"The Most Established
Landscape Company
in the Rogue Valley"

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How do I Care For My New Hydroseed Lawn?
Thanks for hiring us, and good luck with your hydroseed lawn. We know you’ll enjoy it.
Now that we’ve given you a professional lawn, you can do your part by following these simple guidelines.
Water: The single most important factor is correct watering.
Keep the grass seed moist until germination
Water as much as, but no more than the ground will absorb - avoid puddles and run-off
In the spring and fall, when the temperature is below 80 degrees, watering twice a day usually works well
In the summer, when the temperature is above 85 degrees, watering three or more times a day may be necessary to keep the seeds moist
At the end of 8 weeks, watering once a day, or every other day will usually be fine
Watering may be decreased with early root development
Don’t water your new lawn at night, as this can cause disease in your lawn
Fertilizer: The second most important factor is fertilizer
New lawns need nitrogen
Use a high nitrogen fertilizer
Spread the fertilizer when the lawn is dry to avoid burning
Apply the first fertilizer after the seed has germinated and grown for approximately three weeks
Fertilize it regularly thereafter, at the first sign of yellowing
Weed Control: Weed seeds are everywhere. Some may already be in your soil, while some will be carried in with the wind or on your shoes or clothing. Also, birds and other animals will bring weed seeds to your lawn.
A broadleaf herbicide should be applied regularly, as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. To avoid burning your lawn and dealing with toxic chemicals give us a call and we’ll be glad to do it for you.
Mowing: Maintaining a healthy, weed free lawn also depends on quality mowing.
Always use a sharp blade. It’s a good idea to begin each mowing season with a new or sharpened blade. When the blades are dull, they rip and tear the grass, which can cause problems such as disease and/or fungus.
The first mowing should take place about one month after the seed germinates. For the first mowing, adjust the blade height to the tallest setting.
For the next few mowings, gradually lower the height to 2 or 2½”. This will help your lawn establish a deeper, stronger root system.
Regular weekly mowing through the summer usually works well - tapering off as the weather turns colder and grass growth slows down.
Call us. We want you to enjoy a beautiful green lawn. Give us a call if you have any questions or when you’d like more service from us.
What geographical area does ProLawn Services, Inc., cover?
We service the entire Rogue Valley Area. We also provide specialty services outside the area, such as Hydroseeding and initial Commercial Landscaping for larger jobs.
Can I get a quote online?
The quick answer is yes...you can go to out "Contact Us" page and let us know what your needs are. We will contact you right away and answer your questions. Each job is unique and there are often ways we can plan a project to save you money. It's best just to give us a call, we will ask the questions we need answered and get a quote right back to you!
Do you offer residential services?
Yes, we service the residential community depending upon the type of work needed and how often you need it. Just call us with your needs and we will work out the best way for you to get the work done.